Dear neighbor,
I was walking by and saw that your water pipe was broken and was spilling water, little by little; it was very steady. I decided to write this to make you aware of this urgent issue so you can fix it ASAP. Your water pipe will leak a huge amount of water eventually, and it could even shatter from the water’s pressure. I’m only drawing your attention to this issue in case you’ve missed it because I know you won’t like it when you receive your water bill and see the amount of money you’ll have to pay because of a broken pipe.
Good luck fixing the pipe,
Your neighbor.
When we give advice or point out the wrongdoings of a person (alone and in the correct manner, of course), we’re drawing the owner’s attention to a broken pipe. It’s our job as their neighbors to inform them if we find such an issue, to give them advice if they’re sinning.
They’ll want to know, as they’ll struggle when the bill comes, when it’s judgment day, where they’ll have to see all their wrongdoings laid out in front of them.
If you advise and help the owners of leaking pipes, it will be their responsibility to fix them quickly before the bill comes. You will have done your part, and the rest will be on them. So when the bill comes when they have not fixed their pipe yet, it will be their fault for knowing and not taking action, not their neighbors’ fault for not informing them.
Never be scared to give advice to someone in the correct way, with the right intentions! You would want to know if your water pipe was broken as well.
P.S. Not all broken pipes can be seen from outside. A house may be beautiful from the outside but hold many leaking pipes inside. And vice versa, you can see a broken pipe and think it belongs to the house nearest to it, but it doesn’t necessarily need to. That is all to say, make sure you give advice without feeling superior to the one your advising. Give advice correctly, and don’t forget we’re all sinners; we make mistakes — whether they’re public to the eye or not.
Thank you for reading!
And don’t forget to fix your own water pipe before looking at others’