On resistance and condemning Hamas
My Thorns
You can’t cut off flowers
But rules are not applied or followed
So I grow thorns
I grow thorns
to protect myself against passersby
— who want to take me to appease their loved ones,
a nice addition to their lives
My thorns are very dear to me,
They stop humans from plucking me out
of the soil,
away from my land and the gardens here
My thorns sting humans,
who’re here to take
Teaching them that if they try,
they’ll bleed
Roses without thrones,
are fake ones found in stores
— and I am not one of those
I live in the forests
Well planted in
my rich soil
Where people don’t care
about what happens
to us flowers.
So I have thorns
ones that prickle and won’t leave you
alone — if you decide to impose
My thorns add to my beauty
Whether people see it or not,
they’re an essential organ
that keep my body functioning
Don’t accuse my thorns
When you don’t live in the forests.
When you don’t have humans, plucking you out
one by one,
eager for your beauty and soil
You condemn my thorns,
but I wouldn’t be here
without them
You condemn my thorns,
because without them,
I wouldn’t be here
Thank you for reading!