What happened to them Mr. President?

Another story About A Prodigy That Disappeared

3 min readJul 3, 2024
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You’re the prodigy: let’s start,

“Come swim with us in the mud!”

They told you, when you were found wandering alone.

You refuse because it’s dirty and you just showered,

(Keep in mind you have an important event to attend) so you pass on their offer.

Next thing, you have dirty, angry pigs staring at you with disgust.

You sigh, and leave quietly, but they’re not done now,

they never are.

They put on a clean look and go after you.

They throw you in a cell, just because you refused to join them when they asked you to.

The four walls are now your best friends,

the only things you get to see and spend time with.

You remind yourself that you’re still clean — not tarnished by their dirt

Or by association just like you feared when you walked those streets long ago.

You’re still ready for that event to come, you have no fear — because whenever it starts your skin will have no mud

— It will still be crystal clear.

11 years and going strong

54 years now, you’re still young

Your friends don’t know where you are: If you’re well, alive or beaten to a pulp.

The pigs smile to the camera and tell the audience you were a violent person so they shouldn’t try to find you

— you are already “taken care of”

No smiles from the suited pigs can hide your purity from your friends, though.

But the sheep listen to their shepherd,

following the herd as usual.

You don’t care though,

You know that playing in the mud is wrong,

So you never and will never regret rejecting their offer.

Why would an angel stoop down to play with pigs anyway, you know.

You are probably more than lonely sitting in the cell located a little bit to the left from where we live.

But you’ve always known doing the right things isn’t exactly popular.

That the road leading to Paradise is a lonely one.

You’ve always known that road is bumpy and dark.

It’s hard to drive in, that’s why the reward is eternity in heaven — a happiness unmatched by any other.

You chose this road because the destination is worth it, and when the event starts you’ll be with the few whose unstained by the filth and rot of this world

and the pigs who infested it.

You’ve won, dear prodigy

and I only wish we have half of your strength

to reject an invitation from pigs

— and the people stained by their dirt, the sheep in the herd

the dark paint that will mute our bright colors

No matter how corrupt this world becomes, how much the authority tries to cover up truths with distractions and lies, the truth will find a way to shine when it is its time to do so.

So don’t worry dear believer, the oppressed will get their justice and the truth will be known. Be patient and stick to what you know and believe to be right, stick to your deen (faith and religion).

“يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ”

(سورة الصف)

“They intend to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it).”
(surah Al- Saf)

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments below!




Writing to inspire, remember and remind, and learn and share knowledge. Passionate about Islam, self-improvement and learning. A work in progress