A Misplaced Puzzle Piece
A black canvas decorated with shiny stars.
I look out the window,
Searching helplessly for something to focus on.
Trying to hop onto a different channel, to listen to something other than their sweet banters and seemingly contagious laughs.
Their unbreakable friendship a melody playing in the background.
Claustrophobia claws at me,
and i’m struggling, I can’t breathe.
I knew I shouldn’t have come here.
They are pieces of perfectly assembled puzzle
And they don’t need an extra piece.
Like a pencil in a box of pens,
I join them with my smiles and occasional laugh
Only my smiles didn’t go all the way to my eyes.
With a clogged throat and glossy eyes.
It hits me, I realized: I am the misplaced puzzle piece,
Dropped in the wrong box, awkwardly.
They notice me, Finally
They ask me about today,
my throat tightens, I freeze, I don’t know what to say!
Today was amazing.
I lie, I think I did okay.
Then the light switch is flipped,
and they return to their chatting
blind to how I actually feel.
I go back to the black canvas,
accompanied by some kind of loneliness, I rarely feel.
I blink back un shed tears, putting aside this blaring tumultuous fear…
And the question that is,
Will I ever find the puzzle that is missing my piece?
It’s been sometime, a week, a month or maybe some years.
I stopped counting so I’ve grew to be a beautiful garden, attracting butterflies and bees.
And, spoiler alert!
I finally found puzzle boxes that are more complete when I add my piece.
I’m no longer observing black canvases from the window of a random car,
with the laughs of people as the playlist I’m listing to as I observe the natural art.
Now I’m making my own songs and painting paintings.
My smiles are genuine and my laughs are beautiful melodies
added to unreleased songs and core memories
It’s been sometime,
A week?
A month?
Probably a couple of years.
I found a puzzle box that is more complete when it’s with my piece.
Through the process I noticed something you were too naïve to see.
All these puzzle pieces in those boxes never fully fit together like you believe.
They match only enough to draw a picture
of a friendship everyone seeks
You’ll find ‘your’ puzzle box. These will be your crowd of people, but don’t be deceived!
You will still have arguments and times when you disagree.
So stop searching for the ideal puzzle box and work on nourishing your puzzle piece.
One day an imperfectly perfect puzzle box will show up at your doorstep.
When you least expect it to be.
So dear me,
Stop searching for the perfect puzzle box. One day you’ll find puzzles that will need and benefit from every side of your puzzle piece.
Don’t force anything and protect your inner peace.
Everything has a time and patience,
is the key.